Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Teavana Cacao Mint Black

This might be more appropriate than chai tea for winter! Just think of sitting down in front of a warm fire on a cold winter night with such a tea. I think this title sets a high standard simply listing the ingredients, so lets see if Teavana can live up to it.

I was surprised at how short the steeping time on this tea was, but I can see now it would be too strong if too long. The scent of this tea wouldn't make you think this was a tea, the chocolate and mint are equally perceptible. The actual tea is nonexistent though, but the taste brings this out. In the palate mint and cacao take a back seat. The cacao is even less noticeable as well because it seems to just be a part of the mint somehow. A slight chocolate aftertaste is noticeable to me.

Just the loose tea and steam above my cup has a passionate fragrance, but the palate doesn't live up to it. It's rather dull somehow with a simple tea base that's obviously not darjeeling or a stronger assm. It's plain so mediocre describes it well C (decent).

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