Sunday, November 15, 2009

Golden Moon Tea Honey Pear

Golden Moon Tea has many excellent teas, flavored and unflavored. Today I'll be reviewing a flavored product that's defined by its name. What should I taste? I think I know, but lets make sure.

With my beginning sniff I didn't detect nearly as much honey as pear, so I took a sip to find it. There wasn't as much as I had hoped. I think the honey isn't as much an elemental flavor as a built in sweetener. This sweet was not the kind I don't like such as the sugar some degrade coffee with, it was the natural kind in things such as fruit and clover or floral honey. Simple black tea was also as much a character as the added flavoring. Swallowing left a light taste of honey though.

As an end note I must say this is a tea I commonly wake up to when coffee isn't the thing. It isn't something I have to contemplate to get the full experience out of. Simple can be a good thing on the go. I give it a dependable B (very good). I say dependable because I've mistakenly over steeped it before and not had a bitter cup.

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