You'd think pomegranate and acai berry would be put in a healthier product like tea!
*I pause for a moment to get your reaction*
If you agreed with that statement, then you need to be informed of the invisible health triangle that takes priority over the nutritional one. This one has to do with your mental health. Products like Peak Organic's Pomegranate Wheat Ale might not compliment your physical health even with acai berries and being organic, but what good is it to be physically healthy if mentally unhappy? Lets find out if such a brew would be a supplement for your triangle.
As the label would suggest, this is not your typical beer. It's not opaque like most other wheat ales, but you can make out a haze. The aroma given off could make some think it's a malt drink due to the sweetness, but it doesn't overpower the actual malt note. Once on your tongue more beer elements kick in. It has the crisp carbonation of a hefeweizen and a well rounded body for such a beer. Wheat was most noticeable on the back of the tongue and a little in your nose once swallowed. Of course pomegranate and acai was tasted as well, right on the center of the palate, but I was quite pleased to not be overwhelmed by it like many fruit beers and it worked with the wheat malts.
This beer is well off of the beaten path for my usual choices, but I'm not regretting a single drop to be put between my lips. Peak Organic's Pomegranate Wheat Ale with Acai is a B (good) to me and I'll be choosing it on warm nights with a salad for dinner. It supplements my conscious nutrition but perhaps a pomegranate tea would be better for me? Wait!... "Enjoy the drink, not the effect", even if it's a nutritional one.