Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sebago Slick Nick

Slick Nick, the Sebago Brewing Company's winter season brew. It's past St Nick's world wide trip, but you can still buy this. So lets see if it's worth the reminder to be good when seeing this label.

The sight of this beer is a fairly uncommon one; the beer is a copper color but it has a foamy head like most stouts. This should be interesting. You can smell sweet but not overpowering malts because some fruits can also be detected along with toffee. The palate brings out the sweet malt and you get more of a caramel taste from it. It has a middle of the road medium body that almost doesn't seem to match its head. The aftertaste is quite unique with hops and the fruit (apple), unlike the rest of the malty experience.

I can see why Sebago Brewers claims this is their best selling seasonal ale. Unlike most winter ales, this one isn't the typical spiced ale. For all those who have a hard time drinking those, pick up a six pack of this. I like spiced winter ales, but I think this one will be taken home by me just as much as any other winter season brew. B (good)

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